Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How do I quickly get record counts for all MSSQL tables?

Frequently when testing, you will need a quick way to get record counts for all tables in a given database. For example, you can take before and after snapshots of all tables' record counts to quickly ensure the proper work was done on the right tables.

The following two-line SQL statement will automatically generate a much larger, custom-built SQL script that can be copied and executed to fetch counts for all tables in the target database.

Follow these basic steps to use it:

STEP 1: Open SQL Server Management Studio

STEP 2: Open a "New Query" pointing to target database of your choice

STEP 3: Copy and run the generic "SQL Script Generator" statement below:
     AS TableName, COUNT(*) AS
     RecordCount FROM ' + TABLE_NAME

STEP 4: Copy "Auto-Generated-SQL-Script" (AGSS) from below (yellow execution results)

STEP 5: Paste the AGSS from Figure 2 (yellow highlight) into a new Query window

STEP 6: Execute the AGSS to see table counts for the entire database as shown below (green highlight)

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